The goals

The goals

This week we have done a bit different activity (an individual one) for our weekly ppd session. In other weeks we normally did group activities in order to improve our skills in team working, but in this week the activity that we have done, can be considered as a self observation.

We were asked to bring card board and color pens in the last day of the first sem. Then we were asked to draw a chart about our life goals. First of all we divided goals into 3 parts.
1. Academic goals
2. Professional goals
3. Personal goals

We created beautiful charts.

In this week we were asked to bring all those charts we had made that day to do the presentation. Then we had done a small description about our life goal chart. As it was our first presentation we were little nervous.

The thing I focused most was :
1. things what I really like
2. Things that I want to happen in my future
3. What I have done to achive my goals
4. Do I spend enough time and my attention to my goals


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