
“All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women are merely players;
They have their exists and entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,”
                                                                -William Shakespeare-

Today topic “Self-reflection” is bit different what we discuss through out this period. First, Let’s see what self-reflection is and why self-reflection is so important. Self-reflection is who you are in the society and what role you choose to play in the society. There some people who think that self-reflection of your self is not that important. But when it comes to the reality, everybody is trying to make a good impression of themselves at some point.

When we talk about self-reflection, I think most difficult thing is to maintain the good self-reflection of yours all the time (under any circumstances). According to lord Buddha’s great teaching of “ashta loka dharma” which is eight worldly conditions it is clearly explained how person should behave in all time. It includes, gain and loss, fame and defame, praise and blame, happiness and pain. In all these times, we should learn how behave in order to maintain good self-reflection.

Self-reflection is like looking into a mirror and describing what you see. This thing helps to improve our skills and review their effectiveness. Rather than just carry on doing things as always, we have done. Reflection of yours, is what you do and way you do things.


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