
End of a great era

“The higher you climb a hill, the more conspicuous you become and much smaller in eyes of others.” Throughout this two year of our PPD life, we have become closer and closer, we have identified ourselves what are the strengths and weaknesses that we have, and we have some what improve in this journey. As this is the last episode of my PPD journey, I would like to thank all support that I gain from everybody. And I would like to thank our conductor for been with us for two years. Everybody faces their own types of difficulties during the undergraduate life in university life. It can be academic issues or financial issues or relationship problems. PPD lesson had become a life learning session although everybody does not realize the true value of it. Although the life has become tough or become cruel to me, I have learned to overcome or sometimes ignore all the things and move on the life.   Life is not an easy thing to be handled or take control. All thing ...

Trust walk

Trust walk can be considered as an activity that we had learn many things through out the game. In out real life there are some sort of situations that we had to trust people blindly when there is no option for us to do. That situation has created in this activity and we get a real experience of facing in a such situation. It was a pair activity, one should be blindfolded and the other should be the guide. The guide should provide guidance for the blindfolded person for the given destination. There were many interesting obstacles here and there in the activity premises. We had to go to our destination which was at the outside of the classroom without touching them. When I talk about what are the special points that we gain in this activity I can mention many things, but it was mainly about the trust between partners. We should be a good listener as well as a good guide for to succeed the task. Other than that, we have to use our sense in order to ob...


“All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women are merely players; They have their exists and entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts,”                                                                 -William Shakespeare- Today topic “Self-reflection” is bit different what we discuss through out this period. First, Let’s see what self-reflection is and why self-reflection is so important. Self-reflection is who you are in the society and what role you choose to play in the society. There some people who think that self-reflection of your self is not that important. But when it comes to the reality, everybody is trying to make a good impress...

How to write CV

Curriculum vitae (AKA CV) is something very important to anyone who wish to start their career life. As undergraduates, and as we have to face our internships in near future CV making was taught by our conductor. Not only making one, but also how to avoid common mistakes that we make during that process also taught. There are some titles that should be included to the cv. Personal details, educational qualifications, professional qualifications, work experiences, trainings and workshops, skills and references are them. When including information to those titles, the consistency of format should be kept all the time. As this CV you giving to the company is the first thing that they judge about your personality, more attention should be paid. First, you should select a nice good-looking photo of yourself. (without any fancy things it should be decent and smart). Then you can include your name (The name should be highlighted among all the other things you mention....


Expertise In today PPD session we had done an amazing activities. The first one is the expertise. In that game we were divided into 4 groups with 5/6 members each group. And we have to decide our own expertise fields, one for each member. Then we had to come up with a product with our expertise fields. Our selected expertise fields were designing, gaming and cricket. Then we select our product as “CRICK FEST 2018” the computer game as our team product. The product have very interesting features as well as it has super features which are able to attract users. Then we had some idea of to market the product and we came up with a prize which was quit unbelievable. After the given time, we had to present our product to the class. In this session I learn many things and enjoys a lot at the same time. As software engineering students we had come up with quite technical products without thinking simply. I think that is the best part of the task. Then the se...

My first visit to WSO2

My first visit to WSO2 Thankful to Ms. Sarasi Senadheera, who is the lecturer of our PPD session we had the great opportunity of participating such an interesting session at WSO2. Including me, for most of us that was the very first visit to IT Company and it was very important as undergraduate of Software engineering. We were little bit earlier for the session and we had the chance of getting adjust for the company environment. It was a nice place with lot of nice people. The session was well organized and when we entered the conductors have prepared with informative presentation. As well as they gave us notebooks and pens as memorials of session. The attitude of the company towards their employees was well shown for all of us. The session was about introducing us a new career path of IT field. “The technical writing…” Basically the idea of the technical writing is about writing documentations about user manuals, user guidance and etc.  According to...

Facing for an interview

Facing for an interview  PPD we were taught how to face an interview with all confident. There are some good points that we have focused as it can become very useful at a situation like this. To pass the interview and to make the interviewers impressed on ourselves we have to focus on those points. By following these points we can be more self-confident at the moment. We should have done a little bit of researching about the company and the interviewers as well in terms of make them impressed on ourselves. Knowing their mission, interaction with clients and employees will be helpful to get familiar with them and to the company environment. We should imagine the situation at the interview before the interview and we should prepare ourselves to fit to the curtain situation. Be ready to answer for common questions that can be asked ( especially why we fit to the company and why you think that the most suitable person for this job is yourself). And also by practice wi...